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how to keep spices fresh

Before you get started on the recipes, you need to take immediate action –

Move those spices away from the stove!

Spices are like any other food in your kitchen, best kept sealed and stored in the refrigerator or cupboard, away from heat, light, moisture, and air. It’s tempting to keep leaving spices next to the stove, but the color, aroma, and taste won’t last long.

How do you know if it’s too late? If you find yourself banging a spice container against the kitchen counter to loosen the clump – it’s too late. Less obvious signs include faded color, a stale smell, or even no smell at all.

While spices may be sensitive, if stored correctly they can last a surprisingly long time – generally up to two years in ground form, and four years in whole form.

Much longer than you’ll need now that you’ve found Season with Spice!

More tips:

- Whole spices are best for locking in the freshness, i.e. the oil of the spice, which gives each its distinct aroma and taste. If you have the time, try grinding your own spices instead of buying the powder form.

- Try to keep your red spices, like chilli powder, cayenne, paprika, and crushed red peppers, in the refrigerator to retain their color and freshness.

- If you grow your own spices in abundance, or maybe you’ve made the rash decision to stop cooking indefinitely, the good news is that you can freeze whole spices. Just place the spice in an airtight container and it will keep for even longer.

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