Asian-style Cabbage-Fennel Coleslaw

Asian-style Cabbage-Fennel Coleslaw recipe by

I hope everyone is taking a much needed day off this Saturday to celebrate 4th of July with your loved ones! We are opening the walk-in store earlier (8.30am), so we can take off at noon for the holiday. We will be grilling by the lake with the family, filling up on all the tasty BBQ meats that we can never cook up at home without setting the smoke alarms off.

It’s hard to resist whatever is sizzling and smoking on the grill. But save some room on your plate for a refreshingly tart and sweet coleslaw like this Asian-style Cabbage-Fennel Coleslaw.

Asian-style Cabbage-Fennel Coleslaw by

Enjoy the coleslaw on the side, or use it as a topping on burgers.

The vinegary, citrusy flavor of this Asian-style Cabbage-Fennel Coleslaw neutralizes your taste buds, so it makes each bite of grilled meat taste just as satisfying as the first.

fennel bulb for coleslaw

Fennel – the bulb of the plant, not the seed (spice) – is a fun addition to the coleslaw.  It gives the salad a hint of anise, which really perks up the flavor.  If you have never tried fennel before, or if your family hasn’t, this is a great dish to sneak it into. They’ll love it!
ichimi togarashi (japanese chili flakes) from

The dressing for this Asian-style Cabbage-Fennel Coleslaw is a simple combination of heart-healthy grapeseed oil (or sunflower oil), toasted sesame oil, apple cider vinegar, honey/raw sugar, and generous squeezes of lemon juice. Season it with some of our Sweet Ginger Sea Salt and Japanese Chili Flakes (Ichimi Togarashi). The chili flakes add some specks of color, as well as a kick without overpowering the flavor like black pepper would.

Finally, top the slaw generously with toasted sesame seeds and fresh cilantro.

cabbage fennel slaw with ichimi togarashi

Double the batch, so you have lots of leftovers when you’re recovering from the feast of the 4th (or maybe from your fourth feast of the weekend).  It keeps well in the fridge for a few days, and actually tastes a little bit better each day as the flavors mingle.

Asian Cabbage-Fennel Coleslaw recipe by

Wishing you all a happy holiday weekend with good food and good company!

Asian Cabbage-Fennel Slaw recipe by

Asian-style Cabbage-Fennel Coleslaw
by Season with Spice
Serves 4-6

1/2 green cabbage – shredded
1 fennel bulb – shredded
3-4 garlic cloves – minced
 2 tbsp grape seed, sunflower, or olive oil
1 tbsp toasted sesame oil
1.5 tbsp rice vinegar or apple cider vinegar
2 tsp honey (or raw cane sugar)
Generous squeezes of lemon juice
A few pinches of Season with Spice’s Sweet Ginger Sea Salt
1/4 tsp of Season with Spice’s Japanese Chili Flakes (Ichimi Togarashi)
A large handful of fresh cilantro – chopped
Sprinkles of Season with Spice’s Roasted Black Sesame Seeds & Toasted White Sesame Seeds 

1. In a large bowl, combine the shredded cabbage, shredded fennel, and minced garlic. Drizzle in oil, toasted sesame oil, rice vinegar, honey, and lemon juice. Toss and mix well. Season with Sweet Ginger Sea Salt and Japanese Chili Flakes. Finally add in chopped cilantro, roasted black sesame seeds, and toasted white sesame seeds. Toss again to mix everything together.
2. You can chill the slaw in the refrigerator for at least one hour (for vegetables to wilt and flavors to blend).