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How to make Chinese Five Spice Powder?

where to buy chinese five spice powder

how to make chinese five spice powder?

How to make Chinese Five Spice Powder?

To make Chinese Five Spice, start with the five basic spices of fennel, star anise, cinnamon (cassia), Sichuan pepper, and clove

You can simply mix the powdered forms of each spice, or for the freshest, most aromatic blend, grind the whole spices together in a coffee grinder or mortar & pestle.

Begin by mixing equal parts of each powdered spice, and then smell, taste, and adjust to your preference. If the licorice flavor is too strong, add in more cinnamon, Sichuan pepper, and clove.  If you love that licorice taste, add in more fennel and a little bit of star anise.

how to make chinese five spice powder recipe

 How to make your own Chinese Five Spice Powder?

Buy the whole or ground versions of cinnamon, Sichuan pepper, fennel, clove, and star anise.  And if you like a little more flavor, try adding in nutmeg, green cardamom, and/or a citrus powder .

Or take the easier route, and buy one of our handcrafted Chinese Five Spice Powders - Sichuan style or Penang style.


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